Book Review: The Liar’s Knot by M. A. Carrick

*I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.*
Title: The Liar’s Knot
Author: M. A. Carrick
Publisher: Orbit
Publication Date: December 7, 2021
ISBN: 9780316539715


In Nadežra, peace is as tenuous as a single thread. The ruthless House Indestor has been destroyed, but darkness still weaves through the city’s filthy back alleys and jewel-bright gardens, seen by those who know where to look. Derossi Vargo has always known. He has sacrificed more than anyone imagines to carve himself a position of power and influence among the nobility, hiding a will of steel behind a velvet smile. He’ll be damned if he lets anyone threaten what he’s built. Grey Serrado knows all too well. Bent under the yoke of too many burdens, he fights to protect the city’s most vulnerable. Sooner or later, that fight will demand more than he can give. And Ren, daughter of no clan, knows best of all. Caught in a knot of lies, torn between her heritage and her aristocratic masquerade, she relies on her gift for reading pattern to survive. And it shows her the web of darkness that traps her city. But all three have yet to discover just how far that web stretches. And in the end, it will take more than knives to cut themselves free…

Book 2 of the Rook and Rose series continues the trilling story of Ren, the street girl masquerading as an aristocrat, Vargo, the street rat turned aristocrat who is rising in his position of influence and authority, and Grey, the law enforcing captain with the weight of the world resting on his shoulders. As theses characters’ lives become more entwined, they find themselves at the centre of a centuries old mystery that dapples in the most dangerous side of magic that exists. At the heart of this magic is a darkness so all-encompassing that it threatens to destroy all that they know in the world, good and bad alike.

M. A. Carrick’s world is so beautiful and vast, it continues to be one of the more breathtaking that I’ve encountered in recent years. The characters and plots are so vast and complex, it’s a wonder that the author can keep everything straight. What the reader sees is a thoughtful and intricate story that grows more and more entangled with every passing chapter, and I say this in the best way possible. It is easy to see the threads unravelling for these characters who have created intricate narratives for themselves as they work to fight for improvement and more equality and safety in their city. There is so much corruption and so much at stake for all involved. Not only must they protect themselves, their identities, and their secrets, but our 3 protagonists also are fighting for those like them who are not necessarily able to help themselves or their situation. This book also sees the burgeoning of a bit of romance (and not just for show or strategy!) which is a nice change of pace for this story.

It definitely continues to be a bit of a hefty lift when reading. At well over 600 pages, book two is equally as long to read as book 1. I expect we’ll see no less in the third book in the series. From a reading standpoint, I loved luxuriating in the length and detail of this book. There is no shortage of beautiful context and description. From a reviewer’s standpoint, this book took over 2 weeks to get through due to the length and intense detail. It’s lovely, but also took me WAY too long to read. Fantasy lovers will rejoice at submersing themselves in this fantastic world. If you need something that’s really entrenching and wont end too quickly, then this is the series for you.

Happy reading!

Published by wornpagesandink

Hi! I'm Jaaron. I'm a book-obsessed blogger, writer, reader, coffee-drinker, and dog-lover. I have a B.A.H. in English Literature and a post-graduate diploma in Book and Magazine publishing. I've been fortunate to have worked in both trade and educational publishing. If you have any recommendations for excellent reads, let me know!

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