Submission Guidelines

Hi! My name is Jaaron. I’m a book blogger, writer, reader, coffee drinker, and dog lover. I love literary fiction, but I have been known to go through spurts of non-stop YA fiction.  I have a B.A.H. in English Literature, a post-graduate diploma in Book and Magazine publishing, and a smattering of marketing and digital marketing courses under my belt. I’m am working on editing my first manuscript (A decade-long project at this point. Inspiration find me now!). If you have any recommendations for excellent reads, let me know!

This blog is not genre specific. It will focus on everything from fantasy to historical fiction, adult to young adult, with some nonfiction thrown in occasionally. My goal is to write, and I’ll write about whatever I can get my hands on.

If you have any questions, comments, or review requests, feel free to contact me.


1. I do not review self-published titles. While I commend any author who has the motivation to write and self-publish, I have had too many negative experience with self-published titles.

2. I only review print copies of books. I find it easier to mark the story with my thoughts and notes as I read. While I occasionally, in special circumstances, read on my tablet, please only request a review if you are willing to provide an advanced copy of the text.

3. Your patience is much appreciated. I receive many advanced copies for review and cannot possible keep up with reading them all. I will try my best to read and review every book I receive. I currently have a few months’ backlog so please do not expect your review to post immediately.

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