BookThug Book Launch!

This past week I had the pleasure of attending the book launch for BookThug‘s Fall 2014 titles, and boy, did I have a good time! I was joined by my man, Matthew. He’s not a bookish kind of guy, but he thoroughly enjoyed the event. Good food, good beer, a song about bacon…of course he had a great time!

IMG_2703Walking in, the room was dim (sorry for the dark pictures…silly iPhone 4S and it’s grainy pictures), but the stage was set with large posters of the beautiful book covers. We picked a table smack dab in the centre of the room. There were these awesome sweet potato chips that we vigorously consumed. Honestly, I couldn’t stop eating them! Servers walked around with appetizers like pinapple chicken and yummy spring rolls.


You can see above, the view of the stage from our seats. I love theses covers. Do you think these posters might be for sale? Some of the artwork is definitely wall-worthy.

IMG_2701And thank you to BookThug and 49th Shelf for my copy of Marianne Apostolides Sophrosyne! I won this copy in a contest online and I cannot wait to start reading it. I also bought myself a copy of Universal Bureau of Copyrights by  Bertrand Laverdure and translated by Oana Avasilichioaei.

A super fun evening overall! We sadly had to leave early because we’re not cool enough to live anywhere near downtown Toronto and we had quite the drive ahead of us. But I’ve added quite a few more books to my TBR list, which in my opinion, is definitely not a problem at all!


Published by wornpagesandink

Hi! I'm Jaaron. I'm a book-obsessed blogger, writer, reader, coffee-drinker, and dog-lover. I have a B.A.H. in English Literature and a post-graduate diploma in Book and Magazine publishing. I've been fortunate to have worked in both trade and educational publishing. If you have any recommendations for excellent reads, let me know!

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